
Prof. Clayton M. Christensen = Prof of Business Administration at the Harvard Business School

Clay: "It really is scary." ... and says he is at fault.

      12:55 into above interview is the quote at right.

Professor Clayton M. Christensen is the Kim B. Clark Professor of Business Administration at the Harvard Business School; and is regarded as one of the world's top experts on innovation and growth.

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Clayton M. Christensen, Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School.

Question: "Did you read Andy Grove's piece where he talked about this phenonemom that because we are not investing now in manufacturing that the advantage is moving off-shore. He talked a lot about battery design for next generation cars and because we don't have the manufacturing for that we are losing competative advantage."

Professor Christensen: "It really is scary" ..."The root cause of the problem is the Harvard (pause) the professors at business schools because, for example, we teach our students that the way they measure profitability is return on capital employed as a common measure. So if I am going to be measured by that ... this is a ratio. I can get that ratio up by developing new products that generate attractive profits to go in the numerator of that ratio, aaahhh what the heck, if I just outsource everything then I get assets off of the denominator of the ratio. Either way the ratio goes up. So because the way we teach people (MBA students) to measure things it causes us to outsource that job ..."

Clay says USA's business schools teach their students to push USA manufacturing jobs off-shore!

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