... Honoring America's manufacturers keeping America strong!   America needs to honor its' core values of a free people and human rights.
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This "Tank Man" documentary video is banned in China!
        "Tank Man" standing against evil.            Today's Communist Party leaders still evil at core holding power.        Honors China with state dinner??      

    "Western countries have chosen to close their eyes to all the negative aspects of China's economic and political muddle because their interests lie with making money with China. Multi-nationals benefit enormously from the police aspects of the Chinese state and from the authoritarian aspects of the Chinese system. They all benefit from this and so they are all very happy about it."    -- Quoted from The Tank Man documentary.            Americans saying "Wake up!"


This disturbing ad was the most viewed political ad this last election cycle.       Why is that?    

WHY?  Because of the hard truth projected.       

As extreme and criticized as this ad is/was, it unmistakeably touched a deep concern among average Americans about how continuing to surrender our manufacturing base to China weakens America's future.

It is critical to understand that the People's Republic of China regime is a very real and active threat to America's future independence. Americans are finally realizing just how many USA multi-national corporations have abandoned America to Communist China in pursuit of quick profit at the expense of America's economic future.

We must now support our American Made Heroes!!
Alexander Hamilton
"Not only the wealth, but the independence and security of a country, appear to be materially connected with the prosperity of manufacturers. Every nation ... ought to endeavor to possess within itself all the essentials of a national supply. They comprise the means of subsistence, habitation, clothing and defense ... The expediency of encouraging manufactures in the United States, which was not long since deemed very questionable, appears at this time to be pretty generally admitted."

   -- Alexander Hamilton ... an American Made Hero!

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